Episode 2 - Let's chat about the Libertarian Party

The "LP"... What makes it different?

The fellows continue their discussion on of the first of their “four pillars”—libertarian political philosophy.

Today, Haman and O’Leary drill-down on the Libertarian Party, the Mises Caucus, and Adam’s work in the leadership of the Libertarian Party of Nevada. 

 Today’s show brought to you by Liberty Classroom​

The Libertarian Party: What makes “the party of principle” different from all the others?

What about the roads?

Oh yeah, statist? What about them there roads? Here, get educated:

Walter Block’s The Privatization of Roads and Highways

Non-libertarians reflexively believe that many “public goods” such as roads cannot be provided (or cannot be sufficiently provided) by a free market. Block’s big book on the subject shows exactly how wrong-headed that belief is.

This episode builds on concepts discussed in episode 1 of the Natural Order Podcast, so you might want to check out those show notes too!

Anarchy v. Minarchy?

This is scarcely the final word on the subject, but find some food for thought in this written debate.

Undo the Revolutionary War?!?

Despite their profound differences regarding the nature of government, Brian says he would happily take either Hamilton or Jefferson over our current leadership. In fact, compared to today’s regime, he would even prefer Mad King George III!

He’s got a point!

Check out this brilliant book that contains (among many many other brilliant things) an argument about why monarchy (as bad as that is) is preferable to “unfettered” democracy: Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s Democracy the God that Failed.

Worship the Constitution? No thanks.

The US Constitution is a magnificent document. Our modern society would be much improved if we more closely followed the principles in it. But as Lysander Spooner said:

“Whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.”

Amen. On the other hand, maybe ole’ Spooner was just cross because those old-timey Feds “rolled the tanks” on him for opening up his own mail service in competition with the Post Office.

Dave Smith debates N**k S*****k on the strategy and future of the Libertarian Party

Part One – at the Soho Forum in New York.

Part Two – only a snippet from Dave’s Part of the Problem Podcast. Get all those episodes at the Gas Digital Network.

Find sanity and inner peace by changing your voter registration.

Want to feel good about your vote? Tired of voting for “the lesser of two evils”? Do you love liberty, family, puppies, and all good things? Get involved with the Libertarian Party! Want to really do it the right way? Learn more about, and get involved with the Mises Caucus of the Libertarian Party.

Adam’s “other” gig:

The Nevada Libertarian Party Presents: The Battleborn Podcast

Co-hosted by fellow Nevadan Randy Sadac, the LPNV’s Battleborn podcast features commentary about goings on in Nevada from a liberty perspective. Here you can find some great interviews with people doing great things to advance liberty in the state of Nevada, and beyond.

Don’t miss their great interview with Economist (and libertarian superhero) Bob Murphy!

Randy and Adam Interview Robert Murphy

Brian’s empire of great content:


Where you’ll find all of the interesting things Brian is up to, including

While you’re there, don’t forget to buy Brian a coffee. He’ll greatly appreciate it, especially a darker roast.

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